Lastest Blogs

Global Fund 2019
The global fund against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria is holding a congress in France to fight diseases. About 1,000 delegates are expected to attend.

Prix Galien International for autotest VIH® !
We are very proud to announce you that AAZ has received the International Galien Prize Award last month for autotest VIH®.

Visit of the French First Lady Brigitte MACRON
AAZ team is proud to share with you some pictures of the visit of the French First Lady Brigitte MACRON in September in our new assembling site of autotest VIH® made by 130 disabled people in Paris region.

autotest VIH® in french pharmacies : 2 years later, what is the impact ?
More than 240,000 autotest VIH® have been referenced in more than 11,000 pharmacies since its launch in September 2015. In 2017, pharmacists remain involved in HIV screening with more than 7,500 self-tests sold each month on average, a growth of 7% versus 2016.

European HIV-Hepatitis testing week begins today!
Testing week was launched by HIV in Europe in 2013 to encourage more people to become aware of their HIV status. This year, European HIV-Hepatitis Testing Week will take place from 17 to 24 November 2017.
9th IAS Conference on HIV Science
Come and meet us at the IAS Congress which will take place in Paris from July 23 to 26

Fast-Track Cities : Ending the AIDS epidemic
The Fast-Track Cities initiative was launched on World AIDS Day 2014 in Paris.

HIV testing : rates among men who have sex with men remain low
The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (Ecdc) have published a special report about HIV and men who have sex with men.