19 Apr, 2017 In: News

Revaluation of the HIV testing strategy in France

The frequency of HIV screening should increase !

Recommendations about HIV screening in France were published in 2009 by HAS, the High Authority for Health. One of the main proposals was: "to recommend an HIV screening test for the general population, aged between 15-70 years, at least once in life."

In view of new epidemiologic and screening data since 2009, HAS re-evaluates this screening strategy at the Directorate General for Health’s request.

According to the new report published in March 2017, priority should be given to key populations.It is necessary to increase the frequency of HIV screening in these populations:

  •         every 3 months for men who have sex with men ;
  •         every year for drug users ;
  •         every year for people from areas with high HIV prevalence, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean.

For other populations, at least one HIV screening in the course of life.

HIV infection is characterized by the maintenance of a "hidden epidemic", it means people who are unaware of their HIV status.

Everybody is concerned. Test Yourself !


Source : http://www.has-sante.fr/portail/jcms/c_2024411/fr/reevaluation-de-la-strategie-de-depistage-de-l-infection-a-vih-en-france


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